New River Gorge CVB

Museums Share New River Gorge History

Company Store coffinsThe New River Gorge is full of exciting history you can explore. As the cold sets in, continue your journeys through the past indoors through local museums.
Here are a few of our favorite New River Gorge museums.

Anstead and Contentment Museums

The restored one-room schoolhouse museum in Anstead features home goods an furniture sating back to the mid-1800’s. The Contentment Museum was one of only two surviving structures after the Civil War battles that burned the area to the ground. It was the home of a colonel for the 18th Virginia Calvary. You can see antiques and clothing from the period, as well as Civil War relics.

Antioch Baptist Church Museum

The Antioch Baptist Church Museum is located in one of the oldest churches on the Midland Trail. You can still see religious artifacts and records from the original congregation. It was founded in 1805, and the church itself was built in 1889. The church is still in use today.

DuBois on Main Museum

The DuBois on Main Museum features the history of the former segregated black school, Dubois High School, and black history in Fayette County. It includes photos, newspapers and donated items froth high school. They have monthly events, including poetry readings, films, historic celebrations, reunions for the former high school and more. Admission is free.

Whipple Company Store

Walk through the old mining company store, the lifeline for mining camp families, who were paid in scrip instead of wages so they could only buy from the Whipple Company Store. Explore the basement and hidden areas of the 1890 wooden structure, and learn of the local legends about the place.
Which New River Gorge museum is your favorite?

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