New River Gorge CVB

Earth Day in the Gorge & Everywhere

Rushing rivers, lush forests, sandstone walls and striking vistas — the Gorge is renowned for its scenic beauty and the recreational opportunities it provides. Our environment is important to us, and we honor it. You, too, can celebrate your natural surroundings by observing the 50th anniversary of Earth Day on April 22. The best part? It doesn’t matter where you are. 

Earth Day Goes Digital

With all that is happening in the world right now, it might be difficult to imagine how you can make a difference. But, that’s why the Earth Day movement decided to change things up a bit. 

On April 22, Earth Day goes digital with 24 hours of action. That’s right. The world’s largest civic event is utilizing an all-virtual platform for the first time in its history. This way, you can get involved while still staying safe at home. 

A Short History of Earth Day

On April 22, 1970, 20 million Americans — 10% of the population at the time — came together to protest environmental carelessness and demand a more eco-friendly future for our planet. This response launched the modern environmental movement. Prior to then, Americans were widely uninformed about environmental concerns and pollution. However, the first Earth Day ignited a flood of action, including the passage of significant environment-friendly laws in the United States such as the Clean Air, Clean Water and Endangered Species acts. It also inspired the conception of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This movement soon encouraged other countries to adopt similar legislation.

You can join over one billion individuals across 190+ countries by participating in the planet’s largest civic event — Earth Day 2020 — on April 22. 

Find Earth Day Digital Events

Looking for how you can participate in an Earth Day digital event? Check out the Earth Day 2020 map! With filters for event type, age group, language and date range, you can pick what you are most interested in. Some of the events are general, while others are more tailored toward certain topics, like conservation; activities, such as film screenings or organized by specific groups, like artists or faith-based organizations. Have an idea of your own? Fill out a form and get it registered on the website! 

Take Action

Be ambitious! Earth Day is a time for important concepts. Each day there are new ideas on how to support change being added to the Earth Day website. From making Earth Day window signs to adding your actions to a world-wide map of advocates to using the Earth Day 2020 app to help gather important data, you can help make a difference.  

A Year-round Movement 

Need some more ideas on how to celebrate Earth Day year-round? No problem! 

In addition to Earth Day activities, living a more sustainable lifestyle can be beneficial to our planet. Some of the more general suggestions for switching are the easiest to incorporate, such as:

Some other simple changes that people don’t often think of include: 

There are plenty of ways to get involved with Earth Day, and all you have to do to start is just step into your backyard! With the new digital age, it’s becoming even easier to stay connected and support a common goal. Visit for more information on Earth Day Live 2020 and tips on how to live a more sustainable life.

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